Cleaning your pond naturally with beneficial micro-organisms

Natural water quality improvement is largely dependent on teams of beneficial micro-organisms. One group starts a process, which is continued by others. It has been shown in scientific research that, even in natural lakes, essential members of these microbial teams are not always present.

Micro-organisms present in pond bacteria help control water qualityTime, location and the seasons will affect your pond often resulting in bad smells and muck build-up. This is the natural aging process which, if left unchecked will rapidly deteriorate the quality of your pond or lake. Adding safe and natural bacteria which feeds on organic matter will drastically improve your pond.

There are two kinds of aquatic pollution: insoluble and soluble. Lakes accumulate solids from dead plants and animal wastes. Soluble pollutants, from fertilizers, erosion and seepage, add phosphorus and nitrogen – nutrients for algae and weeds. The plants convert, by photosynthesis, inorganic carbon dioxide into organic material. Dead plants form organic sludge, the accumulation of which results in oxygen depletion and release of noxious pollutants such as ammonia and hydrogen sulphide. Phosphorus is also liberated for reuse by plants. Oxygen can be reduced to levels causing fish kills. The stress caused by poor water quality also reduces fish growth and makes them more susceptible to diseases.

One very common aquatic weed problem in ponds is filamentous algae. The presence can degrade water quality and the enjoyment and value of your pond. Excessive algae growth, if left unchecked can cause oxygen depletion as it decomposes either as a result of natural die-off, herbicide or fertilizer applications. Early and regular control is important to reduce the problems like muck and foul odours associated with filamentous algae.

Filamentous algae, also known as “pond scum,” forms dense hair like strands that can form thick floating mats. Its growth begins on submerged objects on the pond bottom. As it grows, the algae give off oxygen that becomes entrapped in the mat of strands. This gives it buoyancy and causes it to rise to the surface where it frequently covers large areas of the pond. Filamentous algae are often a persistent problem because they reproduce by fragments, spores and cell division. Treatment with beneficial bacteria can solve this problem.

Application of beneficial bacteria keeps your pond healthyTo maintain clear water and reduce the organic build-up from leaves and other sludge producing organic materials we started by adding an aerator which can be seen lightly bubbling to the left in this photo. This spring, after an evaluation of the water and pond-bottom showed typical muck build-up and algae growth, we began the recommended treatment to restore the pond to a healthy state. Without aeration the build-up of smelly sludge and organic muck would have been much greater. Now, in this pond, the addition of Bacterius® beneficial pond bacteria will render the pond clean and clear.

The beneficial pond bacteria can be pre-mixed with pond water or added directly to your pond. Do not use chlorinated tap-water to mix your bacteria. Simply shake well if using liquid and distribute the bacterial solution equally around the perimeter of the pond or near your aerators or diffusers. Treatments are usually performed every 2 weeks for dry bacteria and monthly for liquid bacteria. We will help you with the necessary dosage according to the size and topography of your pond.

Dry bacteria come in soluble pouches. Simply toss a pouch into the pond near the aeration diffusers or any source of moving water to help disperse the bacteria effectively throughout the water column.


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