Ecological Swimming Pool: What is That?

You might be tempted to use your pond as an eco-friendly pool.

First of all, you have to be realistic: an ecological pool does not mean blue crystal clear water. To make an ecological pool you will use the assets of nature, but to achieve success you will have to accept this: your water will always have a brownish or greenish tint, and above all there will always be that little greenish slime on the submerged surfaces. This is the biofilm composed of bacteria that recycle organic matter, and phytoplankton that produce the oxygen necessary for biological processes.

ecological swimming pool

We make this page available to those who wish to use their pond for swimming in a way that is in harmony with nature. But even in nature it happens that there is algae, and wanting to treat this unattractive aspect at all costs, we no longer talk about an ecological swimming pool. In short, you have to find a balance in your aquatic ecosystem, and that takes patience. If you are at peace with all this, read on.

It is important to know that any pool will maintain much better water quality if there is some constant renewal of the water to remove nutrients that may accumulate with evaporation. This can be done by a constant supply of fresh water, or by regular backwashing of your pond. Otherwise, these three elements will be essential for water quality: beneficial bacteria, aeration and aquatic plants.

Beneficial bacteria treatments

Adding beneficial bacteria to your ecological swimming pool is a very effective way to maintain water quality by breaking down organic matter. This will help prevent the excessive growth of algae in the pool.

Contact us for treatment, dosage and cost, or visit our online store.


aeration system in a pondAeration

Adding aeration can be a wise choice when it comes to putting every chance on your side. In addition to having small bubbles tickling your feet, you will help provide all the oxygen necessary for bacteria and plants to work properly.

We offer simple and inexpensive aeration systems for ponds such as ecological pools, koi carp gardens and water gardens. These systems include an ultra-quiet linear compressor, weighted hose and a diffuser that gently releases thousands of tiny bubbles to oxygenate and circulate the water in your pond.

These systems are ideal for any pond sizes ranging from 200 to 20,000 gallons, or 90 to 900 sq.ft. They are designed for a maximum depth of 5′ or 1.5 m. If your water basin is larger or deeper, read more on this section of our website or contact us.

We hope you have a good time in your eco-friendly pool this summer and enjoy its good water quality for a long time!


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